Bikemedical Body & Bike Solutions

Bikemedical Body & Bike Solutions is dè plek voor fietsmetingen en fietsgerelateerde blessures. Jacques Peeters zal er alles aan doen om u goed op de fiets te krijgen en blessures op te lossen.

Bikemedical Body & Bike Solutions is the place to be when it comes to optimal bike fitting and recovering from cycling related injuries. Jacques Peeters will do everything he can to put you right on the bike and get rid of your injuries.


Jacques Peeters MSc


Pastoor Vonkenstraat 83

6166 CW Geleen

Tel +31 6 51185420




About Paul Disbeschl

Hi there, my name’s Paul. I like cycling and running, and I study the Master’s program “Data Science for Decision Making” at DKE in Maastricht.