DM Summer Holiday

Already three weeks ago we were enjoying a well deserved DM summer holiday🌟. Together with 25 members we stayed in a big house in Bussang, les Vosges, France 🇫🇷. The weather wasn’t great, but despite all the rain we still had a lot of fun! We did some swimming🏊🏽 when the rain was just a forecast, we went hiking🚶🏽 when the rain didn’t allow us to go cycling and in between the rainshowers we were still able to enjoy some bike riding🚵🏼.

In the evenings we played games, we sang songs and we did a pubquiz, which resulted in a lot of laughter.

All in all, we had a great week of cycling, hiking, swimming, singing, eating and loads of fun!

Thanks everyone for the great week!

Enjoy the rest of your summer!🌞

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